Interview with Jonathon Oudthone, Creator/Owner of PandaxGaming

PandaxGamingLogoJemmillion: Thank you for taking the time out to answer some questions. PandaxGaming hosts weekly, live streamed, online tournaments for Ultra Street Fighter 4 and Street Fighter X Tekken. When you created PandaxGaming, what was your motivation? Why target the online Fighting Game Community?

Jonathon Oudthone: Well, motivation for PandaxGaming came from my love for gaming and the communities that I could be a part of. The fighting game community was the first offline community that I had been exposed to. I loved being able to sit next to my opponent and battle it out with knowledge, reads, and mental fortitude. At the time, I felt the FGC lacked something though. A strong online community. That’s when I created PandaxGaming to bring competitive and casual Street Fighter players under one roof. A platform that allowed players without a scene to showcase their talents, as well as share knowledge and talk with others about the game.

Jemmillion: How long have you been playing fighting games? Which games are your favorite?

Jonathon Oudthone: I’ve been playing fighting games since Street Fighter IV launched. Street Fighter has been one of the only fighting games I’ve been interested in though. I come from a FPS/RTS background, and it’s quite odd how I fell in love with Street Fighter after being so committed to other genres. I literally put every other genre down and focused on nothing but Street Fighter.

Jemmillion: What was your inspiration for wanting to get involved with the Fighting Game Community? Have you competed before in the past?

Jonathon Oudthone: It was all competition that got me motivated. When I first started, it was just me and a few buddies grinding it out in my living room. Turned into us finding SRK and linking up with locals. From there the Arkansas Fighting Game Network was founded. It was all dedication and love for the community/game after that. Even though I’m a streamer/event organizer mostly these days, I do compete. That’s where my roots are from, and I actively do it to this day. I do pretty well for the most part. I don’t have much time to practice aside from random casual sessions, but I still place at many large tournaments. Top 32 at Texas Showdown and KiT, 4th place at Midwest Championships, and the occasional upsets I unleashed on some players in pools. I can’t lose touch with my roots, or it’s no fun!

Jemmillion: There are a lot of fighting games to choose from. What made you settle on Ultra Street Fighter 4 and Street Fighter X Tekken? Are you considering having tournaments for other games in the future?

Jonathon Oudthone: There’s a secret reason as to why I originally picked up Street Fighter. I may have talked about why I actively pursue a future with this game, but the main reason I’m even involved with the series is pretty funny. Sometime back in 2009, I had come across some extra funds to purchase a new gaming console. I decided to go with the PS3. As I was shopping for games to invest in at my local Wal-Mart, I noticed they were sold out on all of the titles that I really wanted to play. The only game that I purchased that day, just so I could take something home, was Street Fighter IV. Oddly enough, without me even knowing or researching it, Street Fighter IV had just came out that day. I only bought the game, because I thought “meh, I remember playing Street Fighter II on the SNES as a kid, maybe it’ll bring back memories.” I started playing when I got home, and I was hooked. We’ve got a ton of plans to support other games with our online tournament platform. I Just have to wait and see!

Jemmillion: PandaxGaming uses a public ranking system for all the players that compete. Do these Panda Points get applied to total rankings for the FGC as a whole? Or just strictly PandaxGaming events?

Jonathon Oudthone: Currently these rankings are for PandaxGaming related events only. We don’t have plans currently to transition these points into other FGC events, but we are open. We want to focus solely on the online community for this project though as we always aim to bring light to those undiscovered champions!

Jemmillion: You’ve had some involvement as well with major fighting game tournaments. What are some of the tournaments that you’ve streamed at before in the past?

Jonathon Oudthone: People get the wrong idea that we are solely online based. They don’t realize my roots came from an offline background as I used to organize events here in the Central Arkansas area. That led into my involvement with many organizers throughout the south. I’ve worked closely with the guys behind Absolute Battle, Midwest Championships, Kumite in Tennessee, and Texas Showdown. I’ve been the lead producer for all of those events aside from Showdown for the past few years.

Jemmillion: Does PandaxGaming currently sponsor any players? If not, are you considering the option to sponsor in the future?

Jonathon Oudthone: Unfortunately, we aren’t in a suitable position to sponsor players. We do have a team at which we allow players to use our tag. Our community is built around leveling up with players that share the same passion. So, we allow those players to represent our brand. We would love to sponsor players financially in the future. We just aren’t there yet.

Jemmillion: What can you tell us about the goals that PandaxGaming has planned for the rest of 2015?

Jonathon Oudthone: Our biggest goals for 2015 include expanding the fighting game community here in the south. We are mostly focused on expanding our online tournament platform to create more opportunities for players who aren’t able to make it to events. This includes rankings, events, tournaments, player spotlights, and a central hub for players to communicate and level up together.

Jemmillion: What events will we be seeing you attend in the future?

Jonathon Oudthone: Currently, I have plans to attend and stream at Texas Showdown, Midwest Championships, and Absolute Battle later this year. As far as events outside of that, I am not sure what I’ll be able to make.

Jemmillion: If you could be one superhero and one fighting game character, who would it be? Why?

Jonathon Oudthone: If I could be a superhero, it’d have to be Superman! I’d love to be able to fly anywhere I wanted at any time. Of course, the strength is an added bonus to show off for the ladies. As far as fighting game character? I’d be Fei Long! I’m a huge Bruce Lee fan, so that’s an obvious choice.

You can follow PandaxGaming at the below social media sites:

Learn more about PandaxGaming, their featured tournaments, and rankings at:

Want to learn more about the FGC (Fighting Game Community)? Check out:

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